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In SatNav We Trust
Available now from online book sellers

  • ISBN Kindle: 978-1-8382896-0-7
  • ISBN paperback: 978-1-5272603-0-6

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I write fiction and non-fiction inspired by pop philosophy, science and magick. My blog includes extracts from my upcoming books and previous works, plus occasional book reviews and sporadic outbursts on matters political, comical or just the downright infuriating. My latest project is In SatNav We Trust – a search for meaning through the Historic Counties of England, a travelogue about a six-week tour of the 39 Historic Counties of England while trying to unravel life’s big questions.

Bournemouth, Wimborne, and how not to be a tourist

A few weeks ago, we went to Bournemouth, I say we went to Bournemouth, we actually went to Wimborne but in the two or three days we were there we...

Norfolk and chance

Day 5 to 7 - Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk I've not posted for a few days as I've just been so busy. Cambridgeshire (216 miles total), I think...

Isn’t it about time we paid more tax?

We’ve been hearing about millions using food banks in every part of the country, we can’t pay care workers for their travelling time and the NHS is...

The Hellgate Chronicles – book review

written by The Hon. Hugo C StJ l’Estrange. Edited by Ramsey Dukes, with an appendix by Lionel Snell It could be argued that, this year, I’ve been...