by Jack Barrow | Oct 24, 2022 | Magic, Magick, Occult, Pagan, Paganism, reviews
written by The Hon. Hugo C StJ l’Estrange. Edited by Ramsey Dukes, with an appendix by Lionel Snell It could be argued that, this year, I’ve been breaking promises, but I feel that such moral turpitude puts me in good company as I write this blog post. For my new...
by Jack Barrow | Jan 10, 2017 | Pagan, Paganism
Back in the early nineties, when I was too shy to speak up for myself, I had a go at producing a magazine that we called The Philosopher’s Stone. Having been to one or two Talking Stick events at the Black Horse in London some years before I had the idea of...
by Jack Barrow | May 1, 2015 | General Blog, Non Fiction, Pagan, Publishing, Thoughts and Observations, Travelogue, Writing
I’ve been up all night, or at least I feel as though I have, my body clock’s all out of kilter but it’s May Morning, the sun’s shining and the year has begun. I swear I saw some cow parsley in the hedgerows this morning although it’s not normally out until end of May...
by Jack Barrow | Feb 7, 2013 | eBooks, Fiction, Magick, Pagan, Publishing, Social Media, Writing
About two or three years ago I decided I wanted to create a viral video to promote The Hidden Masters and the Unspeakable Evil. The original plan was to take a scene from the story and make a short film. Ideally the scene selected should show something of the nature...
by Jack Barrow | Dec 24, 2012 | eBooks, Magick, Pagan, Publishing, Social Media
Here’s the album with the frames for the video And here’s the final video
by Jack Barrow | Oct 27, 2012 | Fiction, Occult, Pagan, Paganism, Publishing, reviews, Writing
I once had a conversation with a guy who runs a small press who told me that reviews make no difference to sales. I can’t remember the exact details but his experience was that a book had received a good review in a wide circulation magazine and he’d...