After a move away from self publishing early last year my books haven’t been available in print for nearly a year and a half. The Hidden Masters and the Unspeakable Evil came out in eBook form at the end of 2011 but I’ve realised since that readers really do still prefer paper books.

So I’m now happy to say that my first novel The Hidden Masters and the Unspeakable Evil has just gone to the publisher this week. It bounced back once for some changes but hopefully that should be it for any more changes. For those of you who have read the first edition the new paperback edition is taken from the eBook that had tighter editing but this new version includes an extra joke. That’s a brand new joke that wasn’t in the first or second editions. Let me know if you can spot it but don’t get too excited now.

In the mean time I’ve done some work on the second Hidden Masters novel (tentatively titled The Hidden Masters and the Techno Knights, set on the south Wales borders) and I’m really keen to get back to it. It’s currently on chapter four or six depending on how I chop it up. It features a mad religious cult, a geek with a grudge and bad hair and hopefully some Morris Men with violent tendencies. As soon as I clear the other projects it’s full steam ahead.

In the mean time here’s the link to the eBook:

Here’s the You Tube promo video