by Jack Barrow | Mar 30, 2017 | Publishing, Travelogue, Writing
Up at 5am today for the grand making of the promotional video for In SatNav We Trust. This has been a long time coming. Last year I pretty much decided to go down the crowd funding route. (Update – In the end crowdfunding seemed like a silly idea.) So an hour...
by Jack Barrow | Feb 20, 2017 | Non Fiction, Publishing, Travelogue
So we are inching slowly closer to filming the promo video for In SatNav we Trust. It’s turned into an administrative nightmare so much so that I can’t remember if I already posted a blog to say all this. million In short we need to get a permit to film in Oxford and...
by Jack Barrow | May 1, 2015 | General Blog, Non Fiction, Pagan, Publishing, Thoughts and Observations, Travelogue, Writing
I’ve been up all night, or at least I feel as though I have, my body clock’s all out of kilter but it’s May Morning, the sun’s shining and the year has begun. I swear I saw some cow parsley in the hedgerows this morning although it’s not normally out until end of May...
by Jack Barrow | Apr 29, 2013 | Non Fiction, Publishing, Travelogue, Writing
So it’s one day to go before the off on the great travelogue tour. It nearly went pear-shaped when I realised that the bank hadn’t sent me the new cash card as promised three weeks ago. Fortunately the phone company guy spotted it as I was making sure it...
by Jack Barrow | Apr 11, 2013 | Non Fiction, Publishing, Travelogue, Writing
Things are moving ahead on the plan to go off around the country to write a Travelogue about spending a night in each of England’s 39 historic counties. I’m trying to get everything in place ready to head off into deepest England on May 1st. To that end...